Our Vision

Our Mission Statement

Increasing our love for God, the community, each other, and the world.

Good Sam Compass

  • To love and believe the best of each other, extending the benefit of the doubt.
  • To make positive investments in each other's lives.
  • To communicate clearly, completely, and directly with love and humility.
  • To listen with the intent of understanding the other person.
  • To accept disagreement and evaluation as natural and normal.
  • To address conflict in a manner consistent with the Gospel.
  • To discover and focus on what is best for our church as a whole.
  • To be ready to be inconvenienced for the Gospel.
  • Core Values

  • Health: To be healthy in mind, body and soul
  • Clarity: To communicate clearly with each other and make sure we are always on the same page
  • Teams: Teamwork is how we reach our common goal...the work that God has given us to do
  • Smarts: To stop and think before we act. Work smarter not harder
  • Love: To love God and to love those who we are called to work with. Love binds all the other targets together. Without love, we are nothing.